The Weblog
Aug 23 – James
Sep 6 – Barbara
Sep 20 – Julie
Oct 4 – James (trade with Karen)
Oct 18 – Karen
Nov 1 – Barbara
Nov 15 – Julie
Offset date due to Thanksgiving
Dec 6 – Karen
Dec 20 – James
Jan 3 – Barb
Jan 17 – Julie
Jan 31 – Karen
Please let the market managers group know if you need to reschedule or change.
The market is open for ordering
Good Morning Everyone!!!
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday June 26th from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.
Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.
this market’s manager
Julie Alexander
The Market is Closed
The Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your order Friday the 12th at Emergent Arts, 341A Whittington Avenue, between 3:30 and 5:30, before 5 if at all possible.
Thank you!This week’s manager,
Hannah Seewald
Edens Memory and JV Farms
Hello all! Just wanted to let you know that Eden’s Memory and JV farms will not be delivering this market!
Hannah Seewald
The Market is Open
Good Morning Everyone!!!
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.
Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.
Hannah Seewald
Market Manager
Hope all have had a great Memorial Day Holiday.
Be sure to place your Spa City Co-op order before 9 pm Tuesday evening at
The market is open.
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.
Mountain Meadows will be offline this market, but will return (with Chickens!) next market.
Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.
Karen Holcomb
Market M
Volunteer Tomorrow!
We need one more volunteer for tomorrow, 2:00-3:30. If you have never volunteered before, why not give it a try tomorrow? It is easy. There will be others there to show you what to do. You will also receive two free month’s of co-op membership.
To sign up, please visit Or, contact me at
Karen Harbut
Volunteer Coordinator
Correction-Volunteer Needed for 2:00-3:30
Correction to the email just posted: The volunteer spot we need filled for this Friday is 2:00-3:30.
Volunteer Needed for Friday!
We are in need of a volunteer for the 2:00-3:30 slot for this Friday’s pick-up day.
Volunteering is expected of all members, even if it just once or twice a year. For the benefit of some of our newer members, and those who may need a refresher, below is a review of volunteer info:
This is YOUR co-op and volunteers keep it going. There are no paid workers. Every time you are able to place an order and pick it up, it is because market managers volunteered to run the market and pick-up day volunteers signed up to staff it.
Volunteer shifts are usually 2:00 to 3:30 and 2:00 to 5:30 pm, but other arrangements may be possible. Just let me know what works for you.
You are coming to pick up your order anyway, so sign up to volunteer and spend some extra time there one day! You do not need to make a regular recurring commitment, just an occasional one.
Volunteering is easy, fun, and a great way to get to know your fellow co-opers. And each volunteer receives a free, two-month extension of co-op membership every time he volunteers. The volunteer filling the longer 2:00-5:30 shift also receives a $5 Walmart gift/gas card.
We are using VolunteerSpot (an online sign-up and reminder tool) to schedule our pick-up day volunteers.
Here’s how it works:
1. Click this link to go to our invitation page on VolunteerSpot:
2. Enter your email address (No registration required!) Please note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone or send spam emails.
3. Sign up!
You can view the upcoming calendar, select a day and shift to volunteer, make changes to your volunteer days, etc. VolunteerSpot will send you confirmation and reminder emails.
It’s that easy!
Of course, if you prefer not to enter the VolunteerSpot site, you can always email me at
-Karen Harbut
Volunteer Coordinator
The market is closed
The Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your order Friday at Emergent Arts, 341A Whittington Avenue, between 3:30 and 5:30, before 5 if at all possible.
This week’s manager is Denise Marion 501-655-3130.
See you Friday.
Denise Marion