The Weblog
Aug 23 – James
Sep 6 – Barbara
Sep 20 – Julie
Oct 4 – James (trade with Karen)
Oct 18 – Karen
Nov 1 – Barbara
Nov 15 – Julie
Offset date due to Thanksgiving
Dec 6 – Karen
Dec 20 – James
Jan 3 – Barb
Jan 17 – Julie
Jan 31 – Karen
Please let the market managers group know if you need to reschedule or change.
This market has been cancelled.
The Spa City Co-op market has been cancelled this cycle due to lack or orders. We must have at least 10 to make it worth it to the growers and volunteers to spend their time and energy.
If you want the option to have the co-op market available, you must support it with your orders. Otherwise, it will cease to exist.
The next market cycle will open on Saturday, December 14th, at 9 am.
This market has been cancelled.
The Spa City Co-op market has been cancelled this cycle due to lack or orders. We must have at least 10 to make it worth it to the growers and volunteers to spend their time and energy.
If you want the option to have the co-op market available, you must support it with your orders. Otherwise, it will cease to exist.
The next market cycle will open on Saturday, December 14th, at 9 am.
Reminder - ANP closes tonight.
Just a reminder that the Spa City Co-op market is now open at, and that if you want items from Arkansas Natural Produce, you’ll need to place your order before 9 pm tonight, Monday, Dec. 2nd.
All other items will be available until the market closes tomorrow night at 9 pm. We have not yet made our minimum of 10 orders yet, so don’t wait til the last minute to stock up on quality local fare.
And – if you’re doing some Christmas shopping, check out the co-op’s offerings to keep your holiday dollars local. There are great soaps, personal care items, delicious baked goods, crafts, and herbal products from our vendors.
Thank you for your participation in Spa City Co-op.
The market is open
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering online at
Please place your orders before Monday ap 9pm for Arkansas Natural Produce and before 9pm on Tuesday for all other vendors.
Pickup will be this Friday from 3-4:30pm. If you cannot come during that time please arrange for a friend to pick up for you.
Many thanks,
Karen Holcomb
Market Manager
No market this week
The SpaCity Co-op market will reopen November 30th for pick up December 6th.
We wish you all a great Thanksgiving.
No market this week
The SpaCity Co-op market will reopen November 30th for pick up December 6th.
We wish you all a great Thanksgiving.
The market is closed for ordering.
The Spa City is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3p and 4:30p thie Friday. Should you be unable to pick up, please arrange for a friend to do so for you.
And remember we need volunteers to sort orders at the pickup, so have a look at the Volunteer Spot site by clicking on that button at the top of the Market page.
This week’s manager
Julie Alexander
The market is open for ordering
The Spa City Co-Op online market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders for Arkansas Natural Produce items BEFORE Monday at 9pm, and for all other items by Tuesday at 9pm.
Pick up your order this Friday, Nov 15th, between 3:00 and 4:30pm. If you cannot pick up, please arrange for a friend to do so for you.
And remember, we need volunteers to sort orders at the pickup, so have a look at the Volunteer Spot site by clicking on that button at the top of the marked page.
Julie Alexander
This week’s market manager
Food for thought
Dear Spa City Co-op Members,
Lest we forget that in modern times, our food system is complex and often wasteful. Here’s an article that addresses that issue:
Remember that local farmer’s markets, like SCC and the market downtown bring fresh food and help make the supply of food more secure. We help sustain the farmers of Arkansas every time we order or buy from them, and they in turn are there for us.
The Spa City Co-op market opens this Saturday at 9 am. This will be the last market before Thanksgiving.
Market is closed
The Spa City is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3p and 4:30p thie Friday. Should you be unable to pick up, please arrange for a friend to do so for you.
And remember we need volunteers to sort orders at the pickup, so have a look at the Volunteer Spot site by clicking on that button at the top of the Market page.
Enjoy the week and we’ll see you Friday.
Barbara Schuette
Market Manager