The Weblog


Aug 23 – James
Sep 6 – Barbara
Sep 20 – Julie
Oct 4 – James (trade with Karen)
Oct 18 – Karen
Nov 1 – Barbara
Nov 15 – Julie
Offset date due to Thanksgiving
Dec 6 – Karen
Dec 20 – James
Jan 3 – Barb
Jan 17 – Julie
Jan 31 – Karen

Please let the market managers group know if you need to reschedule or change.

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Reminder -Market pickup today

Reminder- The pickup for Spa City Co-op will be held at 2-3:30 pm today, Saturday the 23rd.

Please plan to pick up your order as early during hat time slot as possible, in consideration of our hard working volunteers.

Should you be unable to pick up at that time,please arrange for a friend or family member to do so for you.

Sorry for any inconvenience this postponement caused, but we felt that it was best to ensure the safety of all concerned.

See you this afternoon, and thanks for your support of Spa City Co-op.

Karen Holcomb
Market manager

Market postponed due to weather

The Spa City Co-op market pick-up will be
postponed to Saturday, from 2 – 3:30 pm. The roads should be clear and safe by then, if not, please check for further information.

Vendors will need to deliver by noon Saturday so that we can sort orders.

Sorry for any inconvenience, but we want everybody to be safe. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

ATTN; Growers

It is not necessary to call ahead when delivering unless you’re delivering before Thursday.
Thank you for your continued support.
Karen Schuman

The market is closed.

The Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your order this Friday between 3:30 and 5:30 pm, before 5 if at all possible. Should you be unable to pick up, please arrange for a friend or family member to pick up for you.

Thank you for your support of local farmers and producers.

Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

The market is closed.

The Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your order this Friday between 3:30 and 5:30 pm, before 5 if at all possible. Should you be unable to pick up, please arrange for a friend or family member to pick up for you.

Thank you for your support of local farmers and producers.

Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

Reminder about ANP

Just a reminder to all Spa City Co-op customers that if you want to order fresh greens from Arkansas Natural Produce for this market, you’ll need to do so before tonight at 9 pm, so that they can harvest in time to deliver for pick up.

Many thanks,
Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

The market is open

The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your order on Friday between 3:30 and 5:30, before 5 pm if possible.

You’ll need to place orders for Arkansas Natural Produce by Monday night as they have an earlier closing period in order to harvest on time.

Please make every effort to pick up on Friday, or arrange for a friend to pick up for you. Set an alarm on your cell to remind you if necessary.

And remember, we need volunteers for every pick up. See the Volunteer Spot banner at the top of the market page to sign up. It’s fun, you get two months added to your membership, and a $5 gift card for each full shift worked.

Thanks for your support of local farmers and Spa City Co-op.

Karen Holcomb
Market Manager
501-760-3131 or
501-282-6314 cell

News from ANP/ Spa City Co-op

Arkansas Natural Produce will need to close out their orders for Spa City Co-op on Monday nights in future markets, so you’ll need to place orders for their products between Saturdays at 9 am when the market opens and Monday nights at 9 pm.

This will be the schedule for ANP until further notice. The other vendors will remain available until the full market closes at 9 pm on Tuesdays.

Thanks for your support and understanding.

The market is now closed for ordering

The Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering.
Please mark your calendars to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday January 8th from 3:30 – 5:30, The earlier the better. Have a great week and see you Friday.

this market’s manager
Karen Schuman

The market is now open for ordering

The market is now open for ordering

Good Morning Everyone!!! Happy New Year!!!
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday January 8th from 3:30 – 5:30, the earlier the better.
Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.

this market’s manager
Karen Schuman