The Weblog


Aug 23 – James
Sep 6 – Barbara
Sep 20 – Julie
Oct 4 – James (trade with Karen)
Oct 18 – Karen
Nov 1 – Barbara
Nov 15 – Julie
Offset date due to Thanksgiving
Dec 6 – Karen
Dec 20 – James
Jan 3 – Barb
Jan 17 – Julie
Jan 31 – Karen

Please let the market managers group know if you need to reschedule or change.

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No Mountain Meadows this market.

Please note -

Mountain Meadows Farm will be taking a break this market, so please do not order from them this time. Those who have already done so will have their orders cancelled.

So sorry for the inconvenience, but we just heard this morning.


The market is open.

The Spa City Co-op online market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your order between 3:30 and 5:30 on Friday. Please come before 5 pm if at all possible.

And don’t forget, our market runs on volunteers. It’s fun, you get two months extended on your membership, and a $5 gift card if you work the full afternoon shift from 1 to 5. You also meet nice folks and learn alot about the local food scene.

Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

Volunteer Needed for Friday

We need one more volunteer for this Friday’s pick-up day. To sign up, please visit our online calendar at or email me at

Karen Harbut
Volunteer Coordinator

The market is now closed for ordering

he Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering.
Please mark your calendars to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday July 10th from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.

We still need a volunteer for this weeks market for the 1 to 3:30 shift.

this market’s manager
Karen Schuman


Reminder – The Spa City Co-op online market will close this evening at 9 pm. Be sure to place your order before that time, and plan to pick up this Friday.

Head over to and see what fabulous new products are available right now.

Pizza Crusts are back!!

“Ask and Ye Shall Receive”

Several of you asked about getting pizza crust back for making homemade pizza, and Eden’s Memory heard you. Check under the ‘baked goods’ category for those.

Thanks Wendy!!

The Market is OPEN

Good Morning Everyone!!!
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday August 21st from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.

Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.

this market’s manager
Karen Schuman

The market is closed for ordering

The Spa City Co-op market is now closed for ordering.
Please plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday August 7th from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.

Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.

this market’s manager
Julie Alexander

Weblog Entry

Good Morning Everyone!!!
The Spa City Co-op market is now open for ordering at Please place your orders before Tuesday at 9 pm, and plan to pick up your orders at Emergent Arts on Friday August 7th from 3:30 – 5:30, preferably before 5 pm.

Don’t forget – this market has no paid positions, so we NEED VOLUNTEERS to run every market. It’s fun, you get a $5 gift card, and you learn so much about local foods in Arkansas.

this market’s manager
Julie Alexander

Mountain Meadows Farm

will not be delivering this week. Their items will not be available.