The Weblog


Aug 23 – James
Sep 6 – Barbara
Sep 20 – Julie
Oct 4 – James (trade with Karen)
Oct 18 – Karen
Nov 1 – Barbara
Nov 15 – Julie
Offset date due to Thanksgiving
Dec 6 – Karen
Dec 20 – James
Jan 3 – Barb
Jan 17 – Julie
Jan 31 – Karen

Please let the market managers group know if you need to reschedule or change.

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The market is closed

The Spa City Co-op is closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3 and 4:30 on Friday. Should you be unable, please arrange for a friend to do so. Don’t forget to sign up to volunteer for a shift Friday. It’s fun, and you will earn a five dollar gift card from Kroger and a 2 month detention on your membership.
See you Friday!
James Powell
This week’s market manager

Order from ANP today!

The Spa city Co-op market is open for ordering until Tuesday at 9 pm – BUT – if you want to order from Arkansas Natural Produce, you’ll need to do that before 9 pm tonight, Monday.

And remember, our products are produced by our local friends and neighbors, the farmers of Arkansas. Buying locally helps the planet, keeps the money close by, and is fresher than anything you can buy at the corporate stores.

See you Friday!
the management

The market is open

The market is open for ordering
Please place your orders before Tuesday 9pm and plan to pick up your order at Emergent Arts this Friday between 3p and 4:30p. If you are unable to pick up your order at this time, please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.

But remember to scroll all the way down and click to place this order. If you want to order from Arkansas Natural Produce, be sure to do so before Monday at 9pm.

The Spa City Co-Op Market has no paid positions, so we need volunteers to run every market. You receive a $5 gift card and your membership is extended by two months.

The Spa City Co-op market will only survive and be available if the members use it. We have had had a downturn in orders this winter, even though some of our farmers have managed to provide fresh offerings. Please have a look and consider ordering this market.

This week’s manager
James Powell

Market Day

The Spa City Co-op market pickup is today from 3-4:30 pm at Emergent Arts. Please pick up your order in that period or arrange for someone to do it for you.

Many thanks,
Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

The market is closed.

The Spa City Co-op is closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3 and 4:30 on Friday. Should you be unable, please arrange for a friend to do so. Don’t forget to sign up to volunteer for a shift Friday. It’s fun, and you will earn a five dollar gift card from Kroger and a 2 month detention on your membership.
See you Friday!


Just a reminder that if you want to order from Arkansas Natural Produce, you’ll need to do so before 9 pm Monday night. Tuesday is the deadline for everything else.

The Herb Square is on vacation this market, returning next market.

And remember, the co-op is like a muscle; If you don’t use it, you’ll lose it. There are lots of fine products for sale even in the mid-winter, and our vendors need our help to make it through the lean months.

So order now to keep our co-op alive as a source for your goat-milk soaps, herbal remedies, organic locally grown vegetables, and grass-fed meats. Our farmers are your neighbors, and we’re here for them.

Karen Holcomb
Market Manager

The market is open.

The market is open for ordering
Please place your orders before Tuesday 9pm and plan to pick up your order at Emergent Arts this Friday between 3p and 4:30p. If you are unable to pick up your order at this time, please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.

But remember to scroll all the way down and click to place this order. If you want to order from Arkansas Natural Produce, be sure to do so before Monday at 9pm.

The Spa City Co-Op Market has no paid positions, so we need volunteers to run every market. You receive a $5 gift card and your membership is extended by two months.

The Spa City Co-op market will only survive and be available if the members use it. We’ve had a downturn in orders this winter, even though some of our farmers have managed to provide fresh offerings. Please have a look and consider ordering this market.

This week’s manager
Karen Holcomb

The market is closed for ordering.

The Spa City Co-op is closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3 and 4:30 on Friday. Should you be unable, please arrange for a friend to do so. Don’t forget to sign up to volunteer for a shift Friday. It’s fun, and you will earn a five dollar gift card from Kroger and a 2 month detention on your membership.
See you Friday!

Julie Alexander
This week’s manager

The market is open for ordering

The market is open for ordering
Please place your orders before Tuesday 9pm and plan to pick up your order at Emergent Arts this Friday between 3p and 4:30p. If you are unable to pick up your order at this time, please make arrangements to have your order picked up for you.

But remember to scroll all the way down and click to place this order.

The Spa City Co-Op Market has no paid positions, so we need volunteers to run every market. You receive a $5 gift card and your membership is extended by two months. You also learn about locally grown foods, crafts, and the farmers that produce them here in Arkansas.
Have a great week, a very Merry, and we will see you Friday.

This week’s manager
Julie Alexander

Market is Closed

The Spa City Co-Op is now closed for ordering. Please plan to pick up your orders between 3pm and 4:30pm on Friday. Should you be unable to pick up, please arrange for a friend to do so for you.
And don’t forget to look at the Volunteer Spot program acessible thru the market page, and sign up to volunteer for a Friday shift. It’s fun, you get to meet your fellow co-opers, and earn a cuple of months extention to your membership PLUS a $5 gift card.
See you Friday!
Barbara Schuette
Market Manager