Renee's Gourmet
This grower uses synthetic fertilizers and/or pesticides.
On our friendly family farm we strive for as
healthy and natural a product as we can achieve.
Very little if any commercial chemical products
(mostly on fruit trees) are used on our farm.
Only natural fertilizers are used on all edibles.
Our hens are free ranged all day and cooped over
night. Currently we have both brown eggs and
several shades of green/blue eggs. All our animals
drink rain water and most of our greenhouse and orchard
is watered with it also.
We like to grow both spring and a fall gardens mainly.
Spinach, lettuce, Pok Choy, carrots, beets, sugar snap peas,
snow peas, and all kinds of herbs are a few of our favorite
crops. See attached photos of last springs greenhouse offerings.
Of course fruit trees are a little harder to get to produce, because
mother nature plays such a big part in the process. However, we
have Peaches, Apples, Pears, Asian Pears, Goji Berry bushes and
a few other things started.
We also produce many different types of arts and craft items
that we sell.
Hope you enjoy our offerings as much as we do.
Renee Constancio of
Renee’s Gourmet